Homemade Cranberry Sauce for Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is coming in the next few days!! One of my favorite things to make for this awesome dinner is homemade cranberry sauce. I have nothing against the canned cranberry sauce but homemade gives such a better pop to the meal. Before we get into this awesome recipe let’s talk about the meaning of this holiday. Not the historical meaning but the gratitude part of it.

We need to be thankful for all that we are given. I see this holiday as a reminder to be thankful everyday for everything we have. I am thankful for the house we live in but I am also thankful for the little things too such as my husband turning my tea kettle on for me or my son doing the dishes with out being asked. Even down to the smallest thing like my fuzzy socks on a chilly winter day. Do you look through each day with a thankful heart? If we start each day with a gratitude mindset for what we have, we are less likely to long for the things we don’t have. Colossians 2:6-7 says, ” So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.” This day and every day we should be overflowing with thankfulness! “

One of the biggest things we should be thankful for is the gift that God has given us! He has given us the best gift ever! What is more deserving of gratitude then us receiving eternal life from our Lord. So be thankful in every day and every moment as we move through this life.

Onto the RECIPE!!! Are you ready for this amazingly easy and superbly delicious cranberry sauce?? So all you need is fresh cranberries, sugar, orange juice, cinnamon, and a pinch of salt. This is one of my top favorites because it’s a dump and cook kind of recipe! All you need to do is throw everything in a sauce pot, turn the heat up to medium, simmer for 15minutes while stirring every so often, then cool. Is that not easy or what? You will be the hit of your thanksgiving dinner this year. You can even make extra and store in cute mason jars as gifts for your guests. You can also watch my Youtube video of this recipe being made here: https://youtu.be/2zZOAnVAGcc


12oz Bag of Fresh Cranberries

2/3  Cup of Granulated Sugar

1/2 Cup of Orange Juice

1/4 Tsp Ground Cinnamon

Small Pinch of Salt

Add all ingredients into pot on stove or into your Instant Pot

For Stove top start at a medium heat, Instant Pot start at High Sauté and turn down to normal once you have a boil

Continue stirring and simmering for 15 minutes (Instant Pot ended up being only 7 minutes so use your judgement on the look and feel of your sauce)

Turn heat off and let cool

Your homemade cranberry sauce is now ready to put into jars!

Notes: If you feel your cranberries are boiling turn the heat to a lower setting until they are at a simmer.

Also a great tool I use to help me get my finished recipes into my mason jars is this awesome jar funnel I showed on the Youtube video. You can get your own here https://amzn.to/34qU2OU

Enjoy this awesome dish and let me know how yours came out!

  • Jessica Collamati

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